Everything you need to send better email campaigns

Every email you send is scored by the receiving email service provider. Senders with scores below benchmarks go straight to spam. What is your score?

Trusted by industry leading marketers

Seamlessly manage your inbox health

Our tools are a must have for any marketer who is serious about sending emails. The majority of US based mass email sending ends up in spam. Innovative marketers are using our tools to remain in the inbox and deliver their message.

Realtime InboxScore®

Just like your credit score, your Inbox Score is changing with every campaign you send. Get an accurate look at how you are inboxing day by day.

Blacklist Monitoring

When you are listed on a blacklist, your campaigns are going straight to nowhere and your reputation will suffer. Get instantly notified if you are listed.

Record Analyzer

DKIM, SPF, DMARC and your DNS records are all read and analyzed by consumer ISPs to determine whether to send you to the inbox, or spam.

Content Scoring

Certain words or phrased will trigger spam filters and leave your message unseen. Instantly know if your messages contain spam content.

SeedLock® Protection

Your email list is one of your businesses top assets. It’s important you protect it, and our SeedLock technology will instantly notify of a security breach.

Blacklist Removal

Blacklist removal is not an easy feat. Each day you are listed could cost you thousands of dollars. Let our removal technology remove you instantly.

Realtime Inbox Score® Monitoring & Scaling

Our software will constantly monitor your sending domain and inbox reputation in realtime to give you a score indicating where your campaigns will land.

Each time you send a campaign our software will update your score based on your content, technical compliance and over a dozen other factors.

Automatic Blacklist Detection and Alerts

Receive instant alerts if any extension of your sending infrastructure is listed on a blacklist for the email service providers to read. The moment anything in your sending tech stack is listed, you can act quickly before you waste money sending campaigns that will not be delivered.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for an account?

To sign up for an InboxScore® account, simply navigate to our pricing page (or the sign in page) and select the plan which you’d like. Plans are sorted by domains allowed, email volume and features.

How do you calculate my InboxScore®?

Your InboxScore® is calculated based on over a dozen factors including technical record compliance, content compliance, domain reputation, blacklist presence and more. Our algorithm pulls data from each campaign you send and constantly updates your blended score to ensure you are always improving as a sender.

What happens when my sending domain is blacklisted?

When your domain is blacklisted, you will receive an alert from our monitoring service. Depending on what plan type you have, you can either act after the fact, or we may have already taken action and removed the domain for you. When you are listed, it’s important to work quickly. Wasted time is wasted money.

While your domain is listed on a blacklist, it is very likely your campaigns will not go to your recipients inbox and will likely end up in SPAM.

Can you remove me from the blacklists?

The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that it is a complicated process and removing you from a blacklist isn’t as easy as updating a spreadsheet. It requires relationships with the blacklist hosts and constant back and forth. It’s also important to understand WHY you were blacklisted and what we can do to avoid it in the future.

How does SeedLock work?

SeedLock is a unique seed address you will place in a segment on your email list that is constantly listening for the email campaigns being sent. If there is ever a campaign sent from someone who is not you, we will notify you about the breach and suggest investigating security measures with your ESP.

Hear what the experts say

Melissa Hart

Melissa Hart

@melissahart · 8 Feb
Eget at sollicitudin lectus nisi, erat ac risus vel, urna. Vulputate sed iaculis vitae enim, amet faucibus sed interdum lobortis.
Wade Warren

Wade Warren

@wadewarren · 10 Jan

Ornare eget at ultricies dignissim quis velit ac. Sit nulla turpis diam egestas interdum erat.

Viverra risus in sed a. Ut sapien nibh elit vulputate a dictumst at eget. Fermentum placerat eu accumsan massa faucibus.

James Robert

James Robert

@jamesrobert · 10 Jan

Est rhoncus aliquam tellus nullam sed. Ligula velit donec nam gravida purus pellentesque elementum justo massa. Mattis turpis viverra interdum.

Mauris at in gravida eu. Enim amet consectetur blandit lacinia pellentesque id tortor. Malesuada hac dictum eget nec tempus vestibulum. Malesuada duis est.

Jacob Jones

Jacob Jones

@jacobbb · 3 Feb
Vestibulum, sit in nisi, etiam id magna pulvinar. Sed ullamcorper vitae quam massa fermentum enim. Proin id malesuada rhoncus dolor sed velit. Varius quis metus lorem morbi porttitor leo, eu, laoreet at. Tortor quam nulla facilisis nisi ultricies tincidunt ac dolor.
Julia Arthur

Julia Arthur

@juliaaaa · 3 Feb
Iaculis turpis mi habitasse elementum. Proin fringilla tortor, odio convallis aliquam mauris. Aliquam orci tincidunt sit pretium tortor nullam habitant. Neque est et maecenas fringilla varius leo. Venenatis sed elementum quis volutpat nunc habitant habitant id.
Robert Fox

Robert Fox

@robertfox · 10 Jan

Purus, diam, massa orci, facilisis tortor adipiscing. Urna posuere convallis cursus mattis amet. Enim nam diam, massa proin id.

Viverra consectetur egestas feugiat hac. Arcu turpis pellentesque tincidunt maecenas porttitor. Vulputate non adipiscing at cursus vestibulum massa fringilla. Sagittis.

Boost the performance of
your email campaigns

Stop blindly sending email campaigns and hoping for the best. Get real, actionable data with InboxScore.